iPad Pro 10,5"

Този продукт е изчерпан в момента и не може да бъде поръчан. Може да разгледате сходни налични продукти по-надолу.

Сходни продукти

iPad Air 5
iPad Air 5
1399.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Silver
iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Silver
999.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Blue
iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Blue
999.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Pink
iPad 10 Wi-Fi 64GB - Pink
999.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad 9 Wi-Fi 64GB - Space Grey
iPad 9 Wi-Fi 64GB - Space Grey
719.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad Air 5 Wi-Fi 64GB - Space Grey
iPad Air 5 Wi-Fi 64GB - Space Grey
1399.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad Pro 11" с M2 чип Wi-Fi 128GB - Space Grey
iPad Pro 11" с M2 чип Wi-Fi 128GB - Space Grey
2142.00 лв.

В наличност

iPad 9 Wi-Fi 64GB - Silver
iPad 9 Wi-Fi 64GB - Silver
719.00 лв.

В наличност


За да правиш всичко
Новият iPad Pro е готов да се справи със всякакви задачи — и то как. Значително по-мощен от повечето PC лаптопи — и все пак възхитително лесен за употреба. Обновеният Retina дисплей е зашеметяващ както на вид, така и на докосване. И идва с iOS — най-иновативната мобилна операционна система в света. iPad Pro. Всичко, което очакваш от един модерен компютър. Сега е… ами, по-добро.
Изцяло нов 10,5‑инчов модел.
Най-авангардният дисплей в света.
По-мощен от повечето PC лаптопи.
iOS 11 издига iPad на изцяло ново ниво.
Очаквай през есента.
Retina дисплей
поне на тази планета.

iPad винаги е предлагал най-доброто Multi-Touch изживяване. Преработеният Retina дисплей на iPad Pro поставя изцяло нов стандарт. Той е не просто по-ярък и с по-малко отражения, нo и със значително по-бърза реакция от всичко досега. Без значение дали скролваш страници в Safari, или играеш напрегната 3D игра, всичко работи по-плавно и бързо, а усещането е по-завладяващо.
Нов 10,5‑инчов дисплей.
Новият 10,5-инчов iPad Pro се предлага с екран почти 20 процента по-голям от 9,7-инчовия модел — повече място за повече неща. Разполага и с пълноразмерна екранна клавиатура. И все пак си остава преносим, както винаги досега.
10,5 инча
2224 x 1668
12,9 инча
2732 x 2048
120Hz опресняване. И виждаш, и усещаш разликата.
Новият Retina дисплей на iPad Pro вече поддържа 120Hz скорост на опресняване. Така филмите и видеоклиповете изглеждат забележително, а игрите вървят плавно без досадни артефакти. Оказа се, че бързото може да е невероятно красиво. Без значение как ползваш екрана — с пръст или Apple Pencil — всичко е още по-отзивчиво.
Новият iPad Pro
120 Hz
скорост на опресняване
Стандартен LCD дисплей
60 Hz
Пиршество за очите.
600 нита
Повишената яркост улеснява гледането на екрана както никога досега.
широка цветова гама
С широката P3 гама се наслаждаваш на по-наситено зелено и червено за по-реалистични снимки и видеа.
1,8 %
Специално създаденото антирефлексно покритие на Apple прави дисплея по-ясен и по-четим, откъдето и да гледаш своя iPad.

Очаквай през есента
Мултитаскинг. Редизайн със замах.
Да вършиш повече с по-малко усилия вече е по-лесно. Изцяло нов Dock в iOS 11 улеснява стартирането на скоро отваряни приложения и файлове. А когато ползваш Slide Over или Split View и двете приложения остават активни, за да работиш с тях едновременно. Ретуширай снимка във Photos, докато работиш над уеб страница. Или планирай ваканцията си в Safari, докато въвеждаш датите в Calendar. iPad Pro и iOS 11 са чудесни за всичко, което правиш — едновременно.
По-мощен от
повечето PC лаптопи.
A10X Fusion чипът с 64‑битова архитектура и шест ядра поставя в ръцете ти невероятна мощ. Така че да монтираш 4K видео в движение. Да рендиш сложен 3D модел. Или да създаваш и коригираш сложни документи и презентации. С лекота. И всичко това на устройство с целодневен живот на батерията.1
Fusion чип
A10X Fusion чипът се справя безпроблемно със комплексни задачи, като монтаж на 4K видео, рендър на 3D изображения или сложни игри.
процесор за обработка на изображения
OСъздаденият от Apple процесор за изображения ползва машинно обучение, за да подобри заснетите от теб снимки и видеа.
10 часа
живот на батерията
Остани продуктивен и креативен с целодневния живот на батерията.1
CPU скорост
iPad Pro (нов)
30% по-бърз

iPad Pro (предишно поколение)
Графична скорост
iPad Pro (нов)
40% по-бърз

iPad Pro (предишно поколение)
Apple Pencil
Сега още по-прецизен.
По-високата скорост на опресняване на новия iPad Pro дисплей прави Apple Pencil2 още по-отзивчив и естествен. Няма друг стилус, с който можеш да пишеш, да анотираш и рисуваш с прецизност до последния пиксел.
Стотици инструменти за рисуване в едно приложение.
Комбинирай ръкопис, снимки, аудио и текст в една бележка.
iOS 11
Колосален скок за iPad.
iOS 11 вдъхва живот на iPad, както никога досега. Новите функции и възможности фундаментално подобряват начина ти на взаимодействие с iPad, превръщайки го в още по-лично и продуктивно изживяване. Прави с него каквото искаш. Понеже вече можеш.
Изцяло новият Dock те улеснява в намирането на любимите, или наскоро ползвани приложения и файлове. Особено полезен е за мултитаскинг или навигация през приложенията.
Новият Files събира всички твои файлове на едно място. Не само тези на iPad, но и онези в приложенията, в iCloud, както и на други места, като Dropbox и Box.
Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop е нов начин да местиш данните си. Само с пръст, можеш леко и гладко да местиш текст, снимки и файлове от едно приложение в друго — навсякъде на екрана.
App Switcher
Обновеният App Switcher превключва между приложения само с едно плъзване. Дори помни комбинации от програми, които преди си ползвал едновременно.
Не само мултитаскингът е обновен, но и двете приложения вече остават активни в Slide Over и Split View.
Apple Pencil
iOS 11 прави Apple Pencil дори по-полезен. Скицирай, рисувай или пиши с лекота директно до текст в Notes. Дори можеш мигновено да запишеш бележка, като натиснеш с Apple Pencil върху заключения екран на iPad.
Мощта на iPad. Умножена по 1,3 милиона.
iPad е мощен инструмент за работа, игри и образование. С над милион приложения, създадени да се възползват от Multi-Touch дисплея и мощния му чип, той е нов начин да вършиш любимите си неща.
Под 500 грама. Тонове способности.
Въпреки че е събрал невероятна продуктивност, модерен дисплей, две камери, ултрабърза безжична връзка и целодневна батерия,1 iPad Pro продължава да е тънък и компактен. Така че да го носиш почти навсякъде и да правиш почти всичко.
10,5 инча
6,1 милиметра
469 грама

12,9 инча
6,9 милиметра
677 грама
Безжична връзка
Сърфирай в мрежата, стриймвай видео и шервай документи по-бързо почти навсякъде с 802.11ac Wi‑Fi и клетъчни мрежи.3 А вграденият Apple SIM4 позволява да се свързваш с мрежи за мобилни данни в повече от 180 държави и региони.

Mbps Wi‑Fi
LTE канала
Mbps с LTE
iPad Pro е със същите страхотни камери от iPhone 7. Усъвършенстваната оптична стабилизация и ƒ/1.8 бленда позволяват страхотни снимки и видео при слаба светлина. А широката цветова гама прави всяко селфи достойно за галерия.

FaceTime HD камера
Touch ID
Touch ID ползва авангарден сензор за пръстов отпечатък, с който отключваш своя iPad и защитаваш личните си данни в приложенията.

2 x
2x по-бърз от предишното поколение
Smart Keyboard
При нужда, просто разгъни пълноразмерната Smart Keyboard2 — налична и за 10,5, и за 12,9‑инчовия iPad Pro. И я сгъни за лек, но издръжлив капак, когато не се нуждаеш от нея. Лесна за ползване, лесна и за носене.

пълноразмерна клавиатура
iPhone + iPad
Почни го тук.
Завърши го там.
Почни мейл на своя iPhone и го довърши на iPad Pro. Или копирай изображения, видео или текст от iPhone, след което ги пейстни на iPad. Можеш дори да ползваш AirDrop за бързо, безжично шерване на файлове между устройствата. iPhone и iPad Pro са създадени да работят не само помежду си, но и с твоя Mac и Apple Watch.
iCloud. Всичко важно на едно място.
iCloud безопасно съхранява всички твои снимки, музика, приложения и др, като ги поддържа актуални, защитени и достъпни от всяко устройство.

Повече информация

Дисково пространство
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Златен, Розово злато, Сребърен, Астро сиво
Безжична връзка
Wi-Fi & Wi-Fi + Cellular models
64GB, 256GB, 512GB
A10X Fusion chip with 64‑bit architecture
EAN code
Астро сиво
64GB Wi-Fi
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 technology
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
64GB Wi-Fi
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 technology
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
64GB Wi-Fi
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 technology
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Астро сиво
64GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
64GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
64GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Розово злато
64GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
64 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Астро сиво
256GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
256 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
256GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
256 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
256GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
256 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Розово злато
256GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
256 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Астро сиво
512GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
512 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
512GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
512 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
512GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
512 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months
EAN code
Розово злато
512GB Cellular
Дисково пространство
512 GB
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Размери и тегло
Height: 0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Width: 8.68 inches (220.6 mm)
Length: 12 inches (305.7 mm)
Weight: 1.57 pounds (713 grams)
Retina display
12.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display 2732-by-2048 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating
A9X chip with 64‑bit architecture
M9 motion coprocessor
iSight Camera
8MP iSight camera
ƒ/2.4 aperture
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43MP)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
FaceTime HD Camera
1.2MP photos
ƒ/2.2 aperture
720p HD video recording
Backside illumination
Auto HDR photos and videos
Improved face detection
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Видео заснемане
1080p HD video recording (30 fps)
Slo-mo (120 fps)
Time-lapse video with stabilization
Video image stabilization
Improved face detection
3x video zoom
Video geotagging
Видео разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime video to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Touch ID
Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
Wi‑Fi (802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO
Bluetooth 4.2 technology
UMTS/​HSPA/​HSPA+/​DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Data only
Includes Apple SIM — U.S. and UK only
Аудио разговори
FaceTime Calling
FaceTime audio to any FaceTime-enabled device over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Зареждане и батерия
Built-in 38.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‑Fi, watching video, or listening to music
Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Операционна система
iOS 9 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.
iOS 9 includes: AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Control Center, Notification Center, Siri, Spotlight Search, Apple Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, Multitasking, QuickType Keyboard
Touch ID Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Camera, Photos, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, Music, Safari, Maps, Siri, Calendar, iTunes Store, App Store, Notes, Contacts, iBooks, Game Center, Reminders, Clock, Videos, Photo Booth, Podcasts, News, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, iCloud Drive
Съдържание на опаковката
iPad Pro
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
12 months

Product declaration